Nasuvinsa. Gobierno de Navarra
Pablo Sánchez Ramos y Raquel López Hernández
Equipo técnico:
Mª Eugenia López Díez
Elena Pajarón Lizanco
Kati Leatxe Aristu
Manuel Borobio Sanchiz
Identify, characterize, evaluate, plan and propose landscape management models, also attending to the Social Vision of the people who inhabit it.
The Landscape Documents are technical studies on an intermediate scale (supra-municipal scope) that are being drawn up for the whole of Navarre. They analyse, identify, characterise, evaluate, plan and propose a landscape management model for the whole of the selected study area, a territory that corresponds to areas (complete or parts) of the five Spatial Development Plans of Navarre..
The Landscape Documents must integrate and develop the bases established in the Spatial Development Plans (POT) in terms of landscape, and aim to contribute to the protection, management and planning of the different landscapes of Navarre. Likewise, they must facilitate the implementation of the measures proposed at the different scales (local, regional and county) by means of determinations applicable to plans and projects..
During the landscape social gazes process, the progress of the Document has been shown, allowing the participants to evaluate the results through different geo-referenced document collections (aerial photographs, historical photographs and topographic maps) as a means to organise and present the information.
Finally, as determined by the CEP, it is essential to incorporate the population's perception of landscapes, which is why a parallel process of obtaining the social vision of the landscape (VSP) must be developed and integrated into all the phases of the study. The VSP is fundamental for ascertaining the perception that citizens and territorial agents have of their landscapes and, at the same time, it allows the relevance of the landscape in the cultural, ecological, environmental, social and economic fields to be conveyed and the involvement of the population in the management and conservation of the landscape to be sought.
For more information you can go to the web site of Nasuvinsa.
Access to ABTEMAS open data
At abtemas we work to facilitate access to all the public documentation generated.
In the case of the Landscape Document of Navarre of the POT 01 of the Pyrenees, the information provided here has been downloaded from the web site of Nasuvinsa
The added value of these links is that the documentation has been organised and structured for a better and easier use.