Instituto de Estudios del Territorio
Manuel Borobio Sanchiz
Completed and current
The first of the "Paisaxe Galega" collection, the objective of this guide is to provide a methodology that facilitates the development of Landscape Impact and Integration studies, as well as offering the resources and contents for its execution..
We can define the landscape integration as that series of actions that make up the project and that are aimed at the implementation, execution and management of the same considering the place harmoniously.
Landscape integration is understood as the set of actions that, based on the compression of a place, make up the project and reduce the landscape impact of the same and achieve its harmonic integration. It implies, therefore, starting from the understanding of the landscape to act in such a way that the alteration that the implementation of the action entails complements and enriches it.
Therefore, the elements of the action will be consistent with the pre-existing ones for the achievement of correct landscape integration.
In general, the notion of landscape integration is associated with variables such as harmony, order, respect or coherence, among others. Most of the time these concepts are linked to environmental and natural restoration of the environment in which they are located.
The criteria to achieve good landscape integration consist of:
• Perform a systemic analysis of the territory (structure, texture, morphology, etc.) that guarantees the understanding of the "character of the place". The place is understood not only the plot where the project is to be implemented but the territorial scope that is proper to it.
• Identify the characteristic elements of the place, those that make it different from others, and with which the project should dialogue.
• Analyze the functional program so that it is the one that suits the place and not vice versa.
• Study the social and cultural perception of the place, its degree of involvement and assessment.
• Analyze the structural, functional and aesthetic complementarity of new uses and constructions with their natural and urban environment.
It is the internal coherence between the different elements of the project and the landscape - both new and pre-existing - that we perceive as harmony and we understand as a good landscape integration.
Therefore, a project that emerges from the understanding of the place and complements it even if it transforms it, we can conclude that it integrates landscape.
This guide is the first of the "Paisaxe Galega" collection, a collection designed by Manuel Borobio in his stage as Director-General of Sustainability and Landscape, in it under the supervision of Augusto Pérez Alberti and the technical coordination of Francisco Castillo Rodriguez, Miriam García collaborated , Juan López Bedoya, Cruz Louzao, Encarna Nieto, José Turrado, Manuel López, Dolores Méndez, Daniel Monzón, Alberto Santos, Ángeles Romero and Melania Payán. It was edited by the Xunta de Galicia, with ISBN 978-84-453-5037-9, being Agustín Hernández Minister of Environment, Territory and Infrastructure.