2008 - 2011
Coast of Galicia
Xunta de Galicia
Elaboration of the norms for the preservation and protection of the coast of Galicia
2012.- Inhabitat Good Practice. Dubai International Award For Best Practices.
2013.- XII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.
The Galician Coastline Management Plan (POL) is an integrated territorial plan that emerges as an instrument capable of favouring integral management of the coastal territory. Collected in Law 10/1995 on the planning of the territory of Galicia and whose purpose is "to establish the general criteria, principles and norms for the urban planning of the coastal zone based on criteria of durability and sustainability, as well as the necessary regulations to guarantee the conservation, protection and enhancement of coastal areas ". It is an effective tool to direct land uses to move towards a society committed to sustainability and its landscape.
Redirecting these processes and achieving effective protection of the coast are some of the most ambitious objectives of this Coastal Management Plan. Along with these, and at the origin of their methodology and formulation, is to publicize their natural and social values.
The plan uses the landscape as an approach to territorial reality and at the same time as a project through the characterization of the area and the different landscape units and elements that make it up. From here, he proposes a logical and relational model, based on a meticulous mapping work.

But this plan is above all a useful instrument for coastal management. For this reason, in addition to a complete analysis report, the plan establishes a set of rules that articulate future growth proposals and establish the degrees of compatibility of the planned developments, also incorporating proposals for the re-qualification of existing built-up assemblies that do not conform to the proposed model for the plan.
The POL arises from the conviction that to protect is not only to prohibit but also to manage a territory, ordering its uses and attending to its natural and anthropic configuration as well as its processes, values and dynamics.
The POL is also a dynamic territory management tool, understood as the result of the dynamics that operate at different spatial and temporal scales, which interact on the same scenario on which different behaviours converge in systemic terms.
It is undoubtedly a document with a firm methodological framework, framed in a contemporary conception of the landscape, which proposes real reflections and alternatives to coastal processes.
The Plan was presented publicly, for the first time, on January 25, 2010. The act of the video was held at the San Francisco Monument Hotel in Santiago de Compostela. On an audiovisual production of 11 meters long divided into 7 vertical screens, one for each coast identified. The event was attended by the Government of the Xunta, representatives of the State Administration and staff of all the municipalities of the coast of Galicia, of course, all the team members.
Here you can watch the entire video, with Spanish and English subtitles.